Summer Plant Care: How to Keep Your Newly Bought Plants Healthy on a Cemented Terrace?

Summer Survival Guide for Newly Bought Plants
Summer Survival Guide for Newly Bought Plants

Summer can be a challenging time for plants, especially if you have recently bought them and placed them on a cemented terrace. The hot and dry weather can cause stress and damage to the delicate plant roots and foliage. However, with some simple care and precautions, you can ensure that your plants thrive in the summer heat.

  1. Choose the Right Plants
    Before buying plants, research which ones are suitable for the summer season and can thrive in hot and dry conditions. Choose plants that are native to your region or are adapted to the local climate. These plants are more likely to survive and thrive in the summer heat.
  2. Provide Shade
    If the plastic bags are directly on the cemented terrace floor, then it’s better to move them to a cooler and shaded area. You can place the bags under a shade net or a canopy to protect them from the direct sun. If you can’t move them, you can try to cool the surrounding area by placing a wet towel or sheet near the plants. The evaporation from the wet towel can help to reduce the temperature around the plants.
  3. Elevate the Plants
    You can also try to elevate the plants to minimize the heat transfer from the cemented terrace floor. Place a few bricks or wooden blocks under the bags to raise them a few inches off the ground. This can create an air gap between the bags and the floor, reducing the amount of heat transferred to the bags.
  4. Mulch and Shade Cloth
    You can put a layer of mulch or a shade cloth under the plants to help protect the roots from excess heat and keep the soil moist. Mulch is an organic material that is spread over the soil to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. It can be made from materials such as straw, leaves, bark, or compost. A shade cloth is a breathable material that is draped over the plants to provide shade and reduce the intensity of the sunlight. Both mulch and shade cloth can help protect the plants from heat stress and keep them healthy.
  5. Grouping Plants Together
    Grouping plants together can create a microclimate that is more humid and cooler than the surrounding air. This can help protect the plants from heat stress. Plants transpire moisture through their leaves, which can increase the humidity in the surrounding air. Grouping plants together can also create shade and reduce the intensity of the sunlight.

In conclusion, taking care of plants during the summer months can be challenging, but with the right care and precautions, you can keep your plants healthy and thriving. By choosing the right plants, providing shade, elevating the plants, using mulch and shade cloth, and grouping plants together, you can ensure that your plants survive and thrive in the summer heat.

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